The 13th conference on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language (AINL 2025) invites everyone interested in intellectual technologies, both from academic institutes and innovative companies. The conference aimed to bring together experts in the areas of text mining, speech technologies, dialogue systems, information retrieval, machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics; to create a platform for sharing experience, extending contacts and searching for possible collaboration.
RESEARCH PAPERSWe invite the submission of papers that present original previously unpublished research. We accept
papers (10+ pages) formatted accordingly to the
Zapiski PDMI (Записки ПОМИ) style. Although Springer offers both LaTeX style files and Word templates, we highly encourage the authors to use LaTeX, especially for texts containing several formulæ. The papers must be written in English.
All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. All papers will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. We use a double-blind review scheme.
Please anonymize your papers when submitting for initial review.At least one author of every accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper offline (more preferably) or online.The authors should use the CMT system to submit their papers: conference proceedings will be indexed by RINC (РИНЦ) and eventually Scopus.
DEMO and POSTERS This year we will organize traditional demo and poster session. The session will consist of short presentations or demos and then a discussion of the presented work in small groups. The groups will be initially proposed by the conference organizers, so that the people within the group would work on close topics. This is a nice opportunity to meet colleagues and discuss your ongoing research. Presenting already published work is also welcome.
To participate, fill in a form provided under the link below. The form will require a short abstract of your talk. Abstracts will be reviewed by organizing committee.
INDUSTRIAL SESSIONWe organize a number of industrial talks and interactive demonstration. To participate, fill in a form provided under the link below. The submissions will be evaluated by organizing committee.